Certificate of recovery via the Swedish eHealth Agency
We issue certificates of recovery through the E-health authority. Certificate of recovery is a document certifying that you have tested positive for Covid-19. Several criteria are required in order to obtain a certificate of recovery.
Opening hours Easter
Exceptional opening hours Easter:
Good Friday: 10-15
Easter Eve: 11-13
Easter Monday: 10-15
Other days follow our regular opening hours. Response times for Covid-19 tests follow our normal response times.
We are looking for company doctors/general practitioner
We are looking for medical doctors who want to be part of future expansion within our company for our occupational health care, private doctor's clinic and insurance clinic.
Tick season is about to begin
Spring is becoming closer and with that the ticks also begin to come to life. Therefore, it may be high time to make an appointment for TBE vaccination. For good protection, several doses against TBE, which is a tick-borne brain inflammation, is needed.
We have a vaccine against shingles
Sedan våren 2020 finns ett nytt bältrosvaccin tillgängligt – Shingrix, som ges i två doser. Vaccinet är avsett för förebyggande av bältros och postherpetisk neuralgi (PHN) med nervsmärta till vuxna över 50 år och är även godkänt för personer över 18 år och äldre med ökad risk för bältros.
Öppettider Jul & Nyår
Christmas Eve: Closed
Christmas Day: 11-13
Annandag Jul: 11-13
New Year's Eve: 11-15
New Year's Day: 11-13
Twelfth Night: 10-15
Season 2021/2022 influenza vaccine
With us, you can get vaccinated against this year's influenza. Influenza is a viral disease where the infectivity is very high and where some people are at risk of suffering from severe influenza and complications.
E-hälsomyndigheten – Covidbevis
Vi är anslutna till E-hälsomyndighetens Covidbevis där du kan få ett testbevis vid negativt resultat efter provtagning för Covid-19 med antigentest eller PCR-test. Kan erbjudas för dig som ska resa inom EU med digital brevlåda som exempelvis Kivra eller Digimail.
Digital Travel Certificates/Certificates
Our travel certificates/certificates for Covid-19 are digital through Coronafree with QR code.
Erbjudande för vårdpersonal
Under hela höstterminen 2021 erbjuder vi 20% rabatt för vårdpersonal på svensk klassisk massage.